saprotrophs | saprotrophs examples | saprotrophic nutrition

What is Saprotrophs? 

This mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients from dead and decaying matter is called saprotrophic nutrition. Such organisms with saprotrophic mode of nutrition are called Saprotrophs. 

What are the example of Saprotrophs? 

The example of Saprotrophs:-
  • Fungi 
  • Rhizopus
  • Aspergillus
  • Mushrooms
They example are grow and depended on dead and decaying matter.

Do Saprotrophs have chlorophyll? 

The Saprotrophs have note chlorophyll similar to other leaves Saprotrophs eat decaying and dead matter organisms.

Where are saprophyte found? 

Saprophyte are mostly see by bacteria and fungi living in moist.

The are usually sea where is dead and decaying matter because they are eat dead decaying matter.

Are plants Saprotrophs?

The Saprotrophs or saprophyte is a organisms they energy come from dead and decaying matter.


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