Weight burn | Loose Weight | How to loose weight

8 yoga asan to weight burn fast by swami ramdev
  1. Saral asan - these are most helpful for wieght burn and every asan were doing every day. In this asan were i do position like this photo.
  2. Shasad asan - in this asan we do slowly position and that us not a difficult position in this position we do just
    like were in this photo.                                                                                                                     
  3. Asan - in this asan is a hard asan but not a
    imposible asan so we do this asan like this.
  4. Asan - in this asan we do slowly position and that us not a difficult position in this position we do just like were
    in this photo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  5. Asan - in this asan we do slowly position and that us not a difficult position in this position
    we do just like were in this photo.                                                                                              
  6. Asan - in this asan we do slowly position and
    that us not a difficult position in this position we do just like were in this photo.                                         
  7. Asan - in this asan we do slowly position and that us not a difficult
    position in this position we do just like were in this photo.                                         
  8. Asan - in this asan we do slowly position and that us not a difficult
    position in this position we do just like were in this photo.            


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